Self-Confidence: Steps To Get Your Groove Back

We are our own worst critics. This statement rings true for so many people, across so many different walks of life. We tend to over-analyze every flaw that we have in ourselves, while paying little attention to any of our more positive traits. This constant cycle of doubt and self-depreciation of our own value can lead to a very poor level of self-confidence.

Self-confidence is the level of belief that person has in their ability or skills to perform a specific task or role. If two people, one having a high level of self-confidence and the other having a low level, were to be faced with the challenge of climbing over the exact same mountain, their results will be on the opposite end of the spectrum. 

Someone with a high level of confidence will look at that mountain and attempt to find ways in which they can overcome it. Those with a low-level of self confidence will identify the many reasons why that mountain can be climbed and in the process, will diminish their self-esteem even further by belittling their own abilities and value. 

For those of you who are lacking self-confidence, there is a solution to your problem. Similar to how there are a variety of ways to strengthen your physical body, there are a variety of ways to strengthen your resolve and to regain your sense of self-confidence. 

Step 1. Learn about the person in the mirror

In order to have confidence in yourself, you must first learn exactly who you are. Your strengths, your weaknesses, hobbies, and core values are all essential parts of what makes you the unique individual that you are. You’ll soon find out that there are plenty of things to like about yourself.

Step 2. Adjust your way of thinking

Words of affirmation can be a great way to change your way of thinking from a cynical and critical perspective to a more optimistic and positive one. When negative thoughts come to mind, try and put a positive spin on it. For example, instead of thinking, “I can’t do this”, you can think, “I can do this one day, even if that day isn’t today.” 

Step 3. Set small attainable goals

Self-efficacy is huge when it comes to building your confidence. Create small and attainable goals for yourself on a daily basis. Accomplishing these tasks, no matter how mundane, can do wonders with building your self-esteem, ultimately proving to yourself that you are capable of succeeding in the things that you put your mind to. 

Step 4. Surround yourself with positive minded people

We are a reflection of the people that are closest to us. From mannerisms to ambitions, people are influenced by the circles that they surround themselves with. Be aware of this and be sure to surround yourself with positive people who are focused on bettering themselves. Iron sharpens iron and this will do wonders for your confidence. They can encourage you in areas that you are lacking in, and being able to do the same thing for others can help you form genuine bonds. 

Step 5. Avoid Self-Comparisons

Acknowledging your own shortcomings is a part of self-analyzing yourself, but comparing them to the perceived perfections of others is a dangerous problem. As wonderful as a person’s life appears to be over social media, you have to realize that they are dealing with their own set of issues behind closed doors. They are flawed, just like you, they are trying to be the best versions of themselves just like you. Focus on your own personal battle of growth, you are the only person you should be competing with. Becoming better than the you from yesterday will boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem and mental health.


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