Healing Factor: Tips on Healing for Victims of Violent Crimes
Victims of crime often experience psychological injuries and trauma that go much deeper and affect them far longer than their physical injuries can. In many situations, ranging from violent assaults to robbery and burglary, an emphasis is placed on the accused attacker, instead of the victims who will have to carry that weight long after the crime has occurred.
In an effort to raise awareness and help those who have been victimized, here are some ways to heal from the mental health consequences of violent crimes:
Recognize the effects
There are many ways in which your mental health can be affected by a violent crime. Some of these mental health effects include, but are not limited to, intense feelings of anger, fear, isolation, low self-esteem, helpless-ness, and depression. The stigma of being a victim can also impact your relationships with family members, significant others, and society as a whole. In order to heal from these traumas, you must first be able to recognize when you are experiencing them, and then seek the help that you need.
Embrace affirmations
Oftentimes, you are your own worst critic, and in the case of victims of violent crimes, this trend is just as prevalent. Victims blame themselves for the crimes that occured to them, causing them to go down an even deeper spiral of self-doubt and depression. Positive affirmations can turn that self-doubt into self-love and empowerment. You are strong, you are safe, you are worthy. Use daily affirmations to remind yourself of that.
Find your inner-self
Tap in with the you that is buried under the psychological scars of the incident and find peace in activities that bring you joy. If you are a creative person, then take solace in activities that are able to bring that creativity out of you. Drawing, writing, and painting are a few ways in which you can express yourself and take pride in what you are able to create. Finding a healthy hobby like exercising and bettering your physical health can have a great impact on your mental health. Regain your sense of self and take pride in the person that you see when you look in the mirror.
Seek help
Asking for professional help does not make you weak, it does the opposite by showing your strength and desire to overcome your fears and truly commit to healing. The journey will be long, but the end result will be a version of yourself that is stronger than you had ever thought possible.